Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Assam Agricultural University

Assam Agricultural University

Post:-Chief Librarian Dean

Last Date:-07-02-2013

Educational Qualification:-Degree

More Information:- Advt. 1/2013 (No. 2.1 (2)/ RG/ 2012-13/12148-178 Dtd.07/01/2013) Applications are invited from Indian citizen in prescribed format for filling up of the posts of Director of Students' Welfare, AAU, Jorhat, Dean, College of Fisheries Science, AAU, Roha, Nagaon and Chief Librarian, Rev. B.M. Pugh Library, AAU, Jorhat. The details of qualifications, experience etc. and application form are available on University website www.aau.ac.in and can be downloaded. Such application should be accompanied by an IPO of Rs. 10/- at the time of submission of application. The necessary details and other relevant information may also be obtained from the office of the undersigned on payment of Rs. 10/-(Rupees ten only) in the form of IPO in favour of Registrar, AAU, Jorhat. The filled in application and all other supporting documents along with a self addressed stamped envelope should reach the office of the Registrar, AAU, Jorhat on or before February 07 /2013. Sd/- K. Gohain, ACS Registrar Assam Agril. University Jorhat-785 013 Reference to the Advertisement No. 1/2013 1 ) Name of the post : Director of Students' Welfare (Tenure post of 5 (five) years. Pay scale : Rs. 37,400/- 67,000/- + Grade pay 10,000/- pm (UGC) Qualification : Essential : i). At least Bachelors degree followed by Master's degree. ii) Doctorate degree in any field of the concerned discipline (Master's degree). i) At least 15 yeas of service experience in teaching, research and/ or extension education after obtaining Master's degree out of which atleast 5 (five) years of service experience shall be in the rank of a Professor or equivalent on the last date of receiving the application.Administrative experience in Agril. University. ii) Must have an excellent record of association in Agril. University system. Desirable : i) Intimate knowledge of Agril. University system, functioning of Agril. Universities and problems of Agriculture in the country particularly of Assam. ii) Evidence of initiative, leadership and capacity to plan, organize, co-ordinate and supervise students co-curricular and extra curricular, cultural and different welfare activities including hostel management, NCC, NSS, NSO programme. 2 ) Name of the post : Chief Librarian ((Tenure post of 5 (five) years) Pay scale : Rs. 12,000-40,000/- + Grade pay 7,600/- Qualification : Essential : i) Bachelor's degree in any field of study followed by : ii) At least Second Class Master's degree in Library Science of a recognized university with at least 50% marks, iii) 15 years service experience in Library of which at least 5 years in the rank of Dy. Librarian or in an equivalent rank in a University or such institutions iv) Evidence of initiative and ability to plan, organize, administer University Library. Desirable : i) Doctorate degree in Library Science or equivalent published research work, (ii) experience of modern retrieval and reprographic techniques (iii) experience of teaching and/ or handling needs of post graduate students/ research works . (iv) working experience under University system. Name of the post : 2) Dean, College of Fisheries Science, AAU, Roha. (Tenure post of 5 (five years) Pay scale : Rs. 37,400- 67000/- + Grade pay 10,000/- p.m. (UGC) Qualification : Essential: i) Passed Bachelor's degree in relevant subject ii) Secured 55% marks or an equivalent OGPA of 3.00 in 4 point scale or 7.00 in 10 point scale at the Master's Degree level from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from a foreign university. iii) Ph.D. degree in any field of the concerned faculty . iv) A person in the rank of Professor and equivalent holding basic degree in the concerned faculty with at least 15(fifteen) years of service experience in teaching/research/extension education out of which 5(five) years of service experience shall be in the rank of Professor or equivalent rank. v) Has made some mark in areas of scholarships as evidenced by quality of publications in relevant discipline, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula etc. Quality of publications shall be judged as per list published by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi. Desirable: a) Intimate knowledge of functioning of Agricultural University system and problems of agriculture in the country, particularly of Assam. b) Evidence of initiative, leadership and capacity to plan, organize, coordinate and supervise high level of education/research/extension programmes. c) Administrative experience. Note: Academic qualifications under item (i) & (ii) are relaxable in case of regularly appointed inservice candidates of AAU Basic degree in Fisheries Science is relaxable as per Notification No. AAU/RG/ACAD-213 (AT) 2012-13 / 3346-355 dtd. 19.6.2012 Sd/- K. Gohain, ACS Registrar Assam Agril. University Jorhat-785 013

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